Isn't it grand? Here is how to make it. Cook 1/4 cup of rice in lots of water with a cinnamon stick until it is so soft it can melt and all the water is mostly gone, this will be very thick so watch it. In the meantime, in a large bowl, put 2 pounds of recotta cheese, to that add 5 eggs beaten, one can condensed milk, 1 1/2 cans of evaporated milk, one stick of butter melted, enough sugar to taste and enough golden raisens. This is large but we freeze, right?
Go ahead and put in the soft rice now and combine, add some vanilla and a dash of Galliano or any liquor you wish. Pour into buttered pan and bake at 350 with a pan of water underneath for about 1 hour......
Three bean chile....cook any kind of beans. 3 to 7 kinds. It doesn't matter. Add the ham bone when the beans are soft and the seasoning etc. Take out the amount of beans you want to make your chili with and freeze the rest for next time. Throw in a package of meat sauce that you froze from your last spagetti patch, add chili powder to taste and a dash of cayenne pepper, simmer a bit...this is the best chili in the world.
Now as you all know I am knitting. I have started to knit hubby some sock booties. I call them that because they are knit like socks with a worsted weight yarn and that makes them kinda booty looking (no pun intended). Here is a pic of one finished and the other, I'm fixing to finish the toe. Hubby can't wait.

John gets cold feet. I'm the hot tamale over here lol. I just love knitting socks. This pattern is from the book, "Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles" by Cat Bhordi. I got it from Amazon.com. You will be able to find lots of information on the web on how to do this technique. I love it.
Here are some great links with free instruction on how to knit this style. I am going to try knitting two socks on one needle next.
Green booties right? I think there fwill be a leprechaun in the house hahahahah..well I consider myself an advanced knitter now... woohoo