I used a cotten like Peaches and Cream or Sugar and Spice, or Lion Brand cotten. It is verigated and it is a 4 ply, ww, 100% cotten. I named several companies because the lable fell off this skein so I don't know exactly which one it is but they are all the same and very absorbent. This is the cotten that you would knit dish cloths and bathroom rugs out of and its very enjoyable to knit with.
This is what it looks like so far at round 35 and it measures 18 inches accross at this point. There are 179 rounds in this pattern. At some point if it gets way too large for a rug, I will have to think of what else to do with it. Maybe a beach wrap, did I mention is was a very absorbent cotten lol. I love the rug. I love it a lot. I thought some of the detail would be lost but it hasn't. I would knit it in a plain color next time and use a # 3 or 4 needle instead of the seven.
Here is another pic of the middle.
And a detail close-up. Notice the fabric behind it. This is some of my painted fabric that I paint in acrylics, when the mood strikes.
I pinned it real quickly so it's not so round but you can see so far. I am not missing a single stitch but have noticed a couple place where a thread is bit screwry but nothing to write home about. I am sure it will block just fine and will be hidden. I am not ripping lol. This is my first real lace and so far so good.
I am using a huge ball of Royal cotten in a size 10 and a #2 needle. I am using two circulars. I can't deal with DPN's. I learned this technique doing socks on two circulars and apply it to all things knitted in the round. I am using the Knit-Pics needles that one can change the cable size and have the 40 inch cables on the rug doily so I can spread it out now and then and have a good look at it.
If at any time the cable comes out of the needle, KP's will replace the cable for free and you can also glue the cable back using Gorilla glue. I have done it and it works as I love these needles. They come in a beautiful multi wood tone and nickle plated. I will use one of each if I have them to mark the first round. I just got my last order of more needles.
I am uploading two more pics at a higher resolution just to see if they are better on the web.