
Monday, November 19, 2007

Oh Boy, Blogger is not working with IE at all. I'm using Firefox at the moment. I am busy shopping for food and picking up all the goodies I need to cook with as I make all my food from scratch. I hope to upload some pics of the food as I finish them.

This year I'm going to try a couple new things like: corn pudding and a mac and cheese supreme (more like a delicacy than a common mac and cheese lol), home made cranberry sauce and I will can a couple jars of that good stuff too....maybe a sweet potatoe pone with coconut milk...

Right now I'm busy learning to knit some more. I do knit a little but I have a lot to learn and I love knitting. Currently I'm labouring on the sock pattern from Fibermania's blog. I did some and ripped out three times already but that's how I learn, since I don't take classes. I'm using two circle needles to do the sock on and have just ordered the book..."Socks soar on circle needles" or something to that effect. Last night I had success to some extent. I think I finished the cuff of the sock or slipper..I think it was 3am in the morning when I stopped.

We have decided to paint parts of the house that need redecorating lol. Currently the dinning and living room (my sis asked me where the dying room was, on one of her visits). Since I have a few of my quilts in the living room, we thought it would be a good idea to block the doorway opening between the kitchen and that area. Not wanting to put a door in that small space....Hubby suggested to put one of my wild painting cloths up and here it is. When I am cooking, I close it and then leave it half open when everything is kosher.

I happened to see it closed for no reason today and asked hubby why he closed it...he said he liked the we think there is a little Arabian nights here? hahahahahah.....

Wow, Blogger is working so well in Firefox...umloading pics and everything....

That is the back side of the cloth, the front is much prettier. And never mind the wall paper, that is going, gone too...

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