
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The traditional hot dogs and hamburgers just ain't going to get it today lol. I wasn't going to cook since hubby is away until much later today. Well, here's this half of defrosted turkey breast looking at me. I wanted to do a quick quick cook. I sliced up the trukey into slices, seasone it with everything plus jamacia jerk seasoning. Browned everything in olive oil, then threw in some crushed garlic and soy sauce and let it steam fry until done. While that was doing it's thing I did the veggies, mashed potatoes and mixed up a coconut cake. I was done in an hour. The food was in put-away dished and everything was in the dishwasher getting washed and the cake was baking...I am woman!!!!! is turkey, oh I is delish..

Coconut cake came out with a pudding effect in the bottom, it is to die for. I discovered a new recipe just from throwing things together that are availabe....

I'm being careful today and post the important ones first in case blogger does it is the cake even tasted so's a small cake. I have to watch my figure. lol

The turkey had a lot of meat on it still so I seasoned and browned it the same way ...added garlic and onions and 1 1/2 cups of water and made me a small soup for lunch. I had my soup with the coconut jonnies cake I made a few days ago...

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